Bill Siwicki

Bill Siwicki is Managing Editor of Healthcare IT News. Bill has 34 years of experience in journalism, with more than 20 years experience in healthcare IT along with extensive expertise in mobile technology.

Dr. Brian Anderson of MITRE
By Bill Siwicki 10:42 am August 15, 2023
MITRE's Dr. Brian Anderson talks about the pros and cons of AI in cybersecurity – and the role of generative AI like ChatGPT – in a preview of his panel session at the upcoming HIMSS Healthcare Cybersecurity Forum.
Julie Frey of Wolters Kluwer Health
By Bill Siwicki 11:05 am August 14, 2023
Administrative burden is a huge challenge, and technology often exacerbates it. But is there a better way forward? IT is underleveraged as a way to help clinicians spend more time with their patients, says one expert.
Bronwyn Spira of Force Therapeutics on remote therapeutic monitoring
By Bill Siwicki 10:51 am August 09, 2023
With remote therapeutic monitoring, care teams are alerted and can intervene quickly when a patient is concerned or isn’t progressing as expected. Early action potentially can prevent complications and avoid unnecessary ED visits.
Dr. John Halamka of Mayo Clinic on AI
By Bill Siwicki 11:46 am August 08, 2023
That said, despite its current limitations – it will never replace "empathy, listening, respect, personal preference" – it's clear artificial intelligence is leading to fundamental changes in care delivery, says the IT innovator, who predicts "doctors and nurses who use AI will replace doctors and nurses who don'...
Kamala Green of National Government Services on telehealth and health equity
By Bill Siwicki 10:22 am August 07, 2023
Kamala Green, social drivers of health program manager at National Government Services, explains how the law and other efforts like it will address challenges around SDOH to make quality care accessible to all.
Stethoscope resting on tablet
By Bill Siwicki 11:24 am August 04, 2023
Technology, equity, workforce and policy are key, says Dr. Oscar Alleyne, managing director of the public health division inside the federally funded research and development center operated by MITRE.
John P. Donohue of Penn Medicine
By Bill Siwicki 10:40 am August 04, 2023
A small but growing number of health systems have entity services staffed by a variety of these "mini" chief information officers. John P. Donohue, an EIO at Penn Medicine, offers a closer look at this emerging role, often staffed by hiring CIOs from small community hospitals.
Gwendolyn Lewis, DNP, RN, of One Brooklyn Health
By Bill Siwicki 11:08 am August 03, 2023
At One Brooklyn Health System, tools such as the Brooklyn Health Equity Index survey are helping serve up valuable real-time insights to help develop training, policies and procedures that address racial disparities and social determinants.
Cone Health building
By Bill Siwicki 10:24 am August 02, 2023
With approximately 200 active peer reviewers at the health system, this significant transition has improved physician engagement and the overall process – and saved scores of hours per coordinator.
Dr. Mohammed Saeed of University of Michigan Medical School
By Bill Siwicki 10:56 am August 01, 2023
Dr. Mohammed Saeed from the University of Michigan Medical School discusses how the artificial intelligence tools can help improve provider practice patterns, potentially shielding patients from the harms of inappropriate or unnecessary care.

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